Stone of Transformation
Stone of the mind
Brings Clarity
Wear Amethyst to get in touch with your intuition
Aids in Sobriety from addiction
Amethyst Pendant Wrapped in Copper Plated Aluminum
1 inch stone 1 3/4inch Total Size
Total: $19.00 Includes Shipping USA
Quantity: 1
Quarts Crystal
Quartz crystals have been used for healing, meditation and expanding the mind to touch the spirit world.
A crystal cluster formation has many points embedded in the base. The emerging crystals may be large or small. Crystal Clusters radiate energy into the surrounding room or space and also are used to absorb negative energy.
They are often used to cleanse a room or other stones by leaving the stone overnight on the cluster.
Crystal Pendant Attached to a Black Suede Necklace. The Crystal is wrapped in copper plated aluminum - black and copper colored. One of a Kind - Crystal 1 1/2 Long 1 3/4 Total. Black Suede Necklace is 20inches Long
Aids in Sobriety from addiction
Very good for the overworked, overstressed, and overwhelmed person
Extremely spiritual Stone
Protection Stone
Calms the Mind
Birthstone - Feb, June
Chakra - Crown
Amethyst Pendant Wrapped in Copper Plated Aluminum
1 inch stone 1 3/4inch Total Size
Total: $19.00 Includes Shipping USA
Quantity: 1
16inches Long
Quantity: 02
Quantity: 02
Item# 002
$66.00 Price includes Shipping USA
Quarts Crystal
Quartz crystals have been used for healing, meditation and expanding the mind to touch the spirit world.
A crystal cluster formation has many points embedded in the base. The emerging crystals may be large or small. Crystal Clusters radiate energy into the surrounding room or space and also are used to absorb negative energy.
They are often used to cleanse a room or other stones by leaving the stone overnight on the cluster.

Includes Shipping
Quanity: 1
Item# 003

A Form of Quartz Crystal
Dissipates Negative Energy - does not need cleansing
Promotes optimism
Attracts Abundance
Not only to obtain wealth but to maintain it as well
Activates 3rd chakra
Enhances bodies healing energy
Mental Focus - Helps with communication
Overcoming obstacles
Self -esteem
Physical - Balances digestion, acid indigetion, food disorders, allergies, diabetes, constipation, kidney & bladder infections, poor circulation
Birthstone - Nov & June
Citrine Stone is 1 1/2 total lengh 1 3/4
Wrapped in Copper Plated Aluminum
On a Green Suede Necklace - 20inches long
$29.00 Includes Shipping
Quantity: 1
Item# 004